Friday, October 3, 2008

"Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Nickel... It's an N word, it's definitely an N word!"

One of the reasons for my latest slump in posting stuff is the small influx of DS games that have come into my possession over the past two weeks. Having pre-ordered them in full (and remaining very wary of Gamestop's potential to screw me over), I was able to pick up Dragon Quest 4 and Disgaea DS. There's something really nice about not being stuck in a Gamestop down here. Toms River has produced some real mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging citizens...and they all play the vidja gaems. I won't bother to go further with this and start ranting (besides, I already did on a forum I go to:, I started the thread, and now I urge you all to fuel this hateful fire).

Here are some random sketches. Two Dragon Quest 4 characters and some miscellaneous faces. Enjoy, or something.

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